"Thoughts" is a riveting documentary that explores the intricacies of consciousness and the expansive concepts of quantum physics. It delves deep into the mysteries of the mind through the lens of various scientific phenomena such as the double-slit experiment, savants, and the law of attraction. This engaging documentary takes viewers on a journey to comprehend the concept of critical mass and examine the theory of primary perception.

We couldn't explore consciousness without discussing DMT (Dimethyltryptamine), often dubbed the 'spirit molecule'. Discover how this naturally occurring compound can induce states of profound understanding and transcendent experiences, challenging our perceptions of reality.

This enlightening journey is an odyssey of self-discovery and understanding, traversing the frontiers of consciousness, quantum physics, and beyond. Watch the "Thoughts" Documentary and embark on a journey of exploration into the deepest realms of your mind.

"Thoughts" was created entirely on an iPhone 12 Pro Max. 

From the maker of Thoughts comes a new book to prepare you for the rapidly changing business landscape of the future..

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Thoughts is created and funded by Jaime Gehly.
Your support will help tremendously with production and marketing costs.

Click the link below to visit the Thoughts GoFundMe campaign.